wah..huk huk..bnyk dh swang ni..lma gla xupdate hihi..skang ngah musim exam but still leh update tp time kosong dlu xnk lak update ish3..ap nk jdi ni hahaha..orait dgr la ni nk cte..27/10/2010 bru2 ni..gnapla umurt ak 20 taun hihi..wah msih muda lgi rpanya..ok ak dh start prsan lgi ahhaha..nk wat bmne org mda ktakan..orait ak mmg tgh perasan lgi adoyaiii..taun ni besday ak jatuh plak on hari first exam..wahhh sdey glerr..nk smbut besday tp bca bku..pressure2..ok nk cte ni..lpas habis exam for CB..housemate trsyang ana, nadia n fifa bwk ak gi celebrate besday la..hahah..
ok first skali mstyyla gi mkn dlu.. so for my besday.. i choose or we choose to eat at the Black Canyon Coffee House..ok honestly tkut nk mkn kt situ coz mcm mhal je mkanan kt situ but smpai bla kn..so mkn jelah kt situ n suprisingly the food is great n the price is affordable..ak n nad mkn rice with chicken roaster and mixed veggie plus watermlon juice and mini tomyam..fifa plak plih nk mkn USA fried rice n ana plih tomyam with fussili i think so..but all of the food is superb and the place is so cozy..for sure we will try to eat here again later
Next, dh kenyang, redeem gift from jusco n beli big apple for enoure..it's the time to rock our world..ktrg gi karok je hahaha...time tu mmg gla r..skit tkak nyanyi hahaha..4 jam ok melalak..gla xskit tkak hahaha...it was the best ok..kt bwh some of the picture from the celebration

~me with ana~

~fifa n nadia~

~mini tomyam n watermelon juice~
~nad's food~




p/s~ thank for all the wishes in fb or personally...heart all of u..saranghae