hari ni 21 april 2010 bersamaan hari rabu maka genaplah umur my boo FATIN ASILAH hehehe.. bila terkenang cmne ak leh pggil dya boo is because en. azhan( thanks en. azhan)..ok, seperti yg bdk2 bm220/02 sem ni faham...en. azhan mlut dya mmg hmmm..hnya Tuhan yg thu..so dlm klas mostly dlm klas rmai yg ad nma gelaran hahaha..contoh ak kna amat bulat n fatin is call bulat..farhan taugeh, ain alien n tepung gomak, nadia ketam n bnyk lg..tapi seriously klas dya mmg bez coz faham n xbrapa ngantuk compare to klas eco..hiihii..so back cmne dpt nma 2..fatin is called bulat so from there u can see bulat turn to boo..simple right tp start dari tulah ktrang mkin rapat n call each other boo..just change of name make us two different people bacome closer...amazing right..love u boo..HAPPY BIRTHDAY FATIN ASILAH A.K.A MY BOO..
gud luck for final n love u alwalys..muahhhhhh..
p/s: hadiah nnt i post k..hehehe

besday girl..love it when u wear it..

me with her masa MARSA program
thanx boo.haha.
trharu sy =]
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